BCMI Promo Case Study
The nice folks at BCMI asked me to do a promo for an upcoming event for them that highlighted the many different values of their software and online management system. I went through their promotional materials and found a 3D prospective map of a construction terrain that appealed to me, and I felt it was something I could build on in a 3D environment.
As with most of my projects, I started with pen and paper.

I showed them these sketches, assuring them I animated better than I drew, and they signed off on the approach. Since the bulk of the animation would revolve around the terrain, I started there.

I created the terrain and buildings. To save time, I got premade models of the trucks and crane. However, the client wanted a specific building made that was an important part of the process for their clients. They gave me a sample illustration, and I used that to model it myself:

Once I got the details down, I started rendering different camera moves, the composited them in After Effects to show the information and "pop ups" that their app environment would show:

The project also included a portion in which I showed the app on different devices - from phone to tablet to laptop to desktop:

And finally, I wanted to update their initial logo animation to be a little more cinematic than one I'd created previously:

And finally: